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I am passionate about communicating science to both the scientific community and the broader public. I have actively contributed towards public outreach activities, specially for young students. In the last 5 years, I have given invited talks in many schools, colleges and student clubs of India and UAE, and have reached more than 3000 students to inspire as well as guide them to pursue pure science as a career, with particular emphasis on Astrophysics. As a Master's student of Astronomy and Astrophysics, I also had a Wordpress blog on Science, Space and Travel, known as 'Mysterium Cosmographicum', with more than 35,000 visitors. As a PhD fellow at Radboud university, I participated in many telescope nights conducted for the general public in the Netherlands. Currently at NYUAD, I am actively working with the outreach team to conduct seminars at different schools of UAE, and also deliver lectures as part of the yearly Astronomy camp.
Few selected photographs of my science communication activities, as well as some of my conference & telescope visits.

Talk and discussion on 'The Mysteries of the Universe' with students and teachers in ONGC, Dehradun (2016).

Outreach talk on 'The Universe' for high-school students in a rural school of Sibsagar, Assam (2015).

Presentation on 'The Optical Fundamental Plane' in the international conference on 'Quasars - at all Cosmic Epochs' in Padova, Italy (2017).

Presentation on 'Lorentz factor distribution of Blazar jets' in the international conference on 'Relativistic jets' in Bangalore, India (2015).

Speaking with the students of Shankardev Shishu Niketan, Sibsagar about 'Experience with Astromundus and Astrophysics' (2013).

Question-answer session on 'Astronomy and Astrophysics' with students and general public in the 30th Guwahati Bookfair, Assam (2017).

Few selected Indian Daily Newspaper cuttings (in English, and Assamese) with news about my outreach activities in Dehradun, Uttarakhand and Guwahati, Assam.

Talk and question-answer session with primary and secondary school students on 'The solar system and beyond' in Shantipur Madhyamik Vidyalaya, Assam (2014).

Gave talks titled "The Invisible Universe: Black Holes, Dark Matter and Dark Energy" at two female schools in Ras Al Khaimah (Hamham's Secondary School, and Al Najah School) under the "Scientist in Residence" outreach program of Mohammed bin Rashid Academy of Scientists (MBRAS) in November 2023,

Presenting the Fundamental Plane and discussing the concerns of using 1.4 GhZ radio fluxes on it, in the National Dutch Astronomy Conference, 2017.

My first proper Seminar talk was delivered in University of Oxford, on 20/09/2017. I presented most of my PhD work results in front of a broad astronomy audience.

Presenting my 2nd paper of PhD and attending the International conference "Extragalactic Relativistic Jets : Causes and effetc" in ICTS, Bangalore, October 2015.

If you are feeling adventurous and want to play a spotting game, find me in the group pic of the Dutch Annual National Astronomy Conference, Nijmegen, 2017.

My first proper introduction to radio telescopes as a Bachelors student during a summer project in RRI, India. Pics from Bangalore, Ooty and Gauribidanur, 2009.

Telescope visits as a PhD student (2015-2018). The first pic is from Westerbrok Telescope in Netherlands and the second pic is from Jordell Bank Telescope, UK .

Very Large Array Radio telescope, New Mexico (2018).
SKA Science event, Australian Pailion, EXPO, Dubai (2021).

At the La Silla Observatory of ES0, Chile (2020).

Selected as a Young Affiliate of MBRAS, and a core member of 'Women in Science', UAE,

Invited talk at a student club associated with Girl Up, United Nations (2022).

Inaugural Lecture at the NYUAD Astronomy Camp held annually (2021, 2022).
Presenting on Swift J1910 in the "Growing black holes" conference at Nepal (2022).

Attending a physical conference after two and half years of Hybrid/Online presentations : "Growing black holes : Accretion and Mergers" at Kathmandu, Nepal (2022).

Invited seminar in the Dept. of Physics, JB College, Assam (2022).
Invited online seminar on BH Disc-jet coupling in Astronomy Research Group, IUB (2020).

Talk on a black hole Swift J1910 in COSPAR, Greece, 2023.

Ouflows - workshop on compact objects, Amsterdam, 2019

Invited seminar in UAE university, Al Ain, 2023.

'Timescale in Astrophysics' - an international conference hosted by NYUAD, Abu Dhabi, in January 2023. Part of the the Local Organization Committee.

ThunderKAT - 4th year conference, in Cape Town, South Africa, in 2022. First pic is from MEERLICHT telescope, second is giving a talk, third is from SALT, Sutherland.

Overcoming disconnects in understanding of accreting black holes, Leiden, 2023.

Presenting at 'Variable sources in Galaxy' workshop at NYUAD,Abu Dhabi, 2024.
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